Martin Hinterberger is Professor at the Department of Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies at the University of Cyprus and a member of ETT‘s network.
Martin obtained bot his MA and PhD degrees in Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies from the University of Vienna (1990 and 1996). During 1995-2001 he was a research fellow at the Center of Byzantine Studies of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, an appointment followed by his Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung fellowship at the Freie Universität Berlin (2001-2002).
Martin taught at the University of Vienna, Central European University, Freie Universität Berlin and the EHESS, Paris. He has been teaching Byzantine philology at the University of Cyprus since 2002.
A pioneer in the study of Byzantine affectivity and the author of the most substantial monograph in the field to date, Martin’s research deals with the history of Byzantine emotions, the language of Byzantine literature (learned and vernacular) and narrative literature (especially, hagiography and historiography). Martin has published on a wide range of Byzantine emotions, such as phthonos or envy/jealousy, emotions related to tears and laughter, love and friendship and is currently working on shame/awe and arrogance, in addition to anger, hatred and envy.
Role in the project
Martin is organising the second ETT workshop Inducing Emotions (Rhetoric, Politics, Narrative) (March 2017) together with another network member, namely Dr Aglae Pizzone (Centre for Medieval Literature, University of Southern Denmark). He is also in charge of the final ETT conference (Cyprus, September/October 2017). Within the ETT, Martin will focus on studying emotions in Byzantine historiographical narratives.
Related publications
“O telchin sti Vizantini logotechnia: vaskanos demon ke phthoneros anthropos.” In: T. G. Kolias & K. G. Pitsakis (eds), Aureus, FS E. K. Chrisos. Athens 2014, 225-242.
Phthonos. Mißgunst, Neid und Eifersucht in der byzantinischen Literatur, Wiesbaden 2013.
“Phthonos als treibende Kraft in Prodromos, Manasses und Bryennios.” Medioevo greco 11 (2011) 83-106.
“Emotions in Byzantium.” In: L. James (ed.), A Companion to Byzantium. Chichester 2010, 123-134.
“Envy and Nemesis in the Vita Basilii and Leo the Deacon: literary mimesis or something more?” In: R. Macrides (ed.), History as Literature in Byzantium. Farnham 2010, 187-203.
“Zelotypia und Phthonos. Eifersucht in der byzantinischen Literatur.” Nea Romi 6 (2009) 11-36.
“Tränen in der Byzantinischen Literatur. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Emotionen.” Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Byzantinistik 56 (2006) 27-51.
“O phthonos sti Dimodi logotechnia.” In: E. Jeffreys, M. Jeffreys (eds), Neograeca Medii Aevi V. Approaches to Texts in Early Modern Greek. Oxford 2005, 227-240.
“O phthonos, anthropini adinamia ke kinitiria dinami.” In: C. G. Angelidi (ed.), To Vizantio orimo ya allages. Epiloges, efesthisies ke tropi ekphrasis apo ton endekato ston dekato pempto eona. Athens 2004, 299-312.
“Phovo kataseistheiseis: Ta pathi tou anthropou ke tis aftokratorias ston Michael Attaliati. To apologiko sistema enos istoriographou tou 11ou eona.” In: V. N. Vlysidou (ed.), I aftokratoria se krisi(;). To Vizantio ston 11ou eona (1025-1081). Athens 2003, 155-167.
A list of Martin’s selected publications is available here.
To learn more about Martin’s research, visit his page.
Dear Martin (if I may),
Many years ago we took a summer course in Bulgaria. We had a great time.
I am really happy to see that you have become a full professor. Happy for you.